The masses who once supported black freedom now campaigned for the Deep South. His book is a product of that childhood terror, and partly an exploration of his condition as a black Briton. (If the likes of SMFS believe Western society will fall apart without a return to traditional Christian-inspired values, I suggest they either don a pessimists crash-helmet or just cling on and enjoy the ride to Hell in their top-gear handcart. Latin America for instance. Those who grew rich on slavery and the slave trade were not neutral and no achievement or act of philanthropy justifies airbrushing their involvement from history.. Olusoga, who presents the BBC documentary series A House Through Time, told presenter Lauren Laverne that racism was "just the background hum of life" when he was growing up. Like I said before, tolerance is in the gift of the powerful. Maybe heard of Saint Balthild, seventh-century English lass sold into slavery, exported to the Continent, served in a palace and ended up marrying the Frankish King?). And tolerance is not a given. MBE: The problem with the UK paying reparations is that people like Olusoga would have to pay their share of the greatly increased taxes. Pretty much everybody in the West is against slavery. I know there are posters on here who see stepping into their opponents perspective as a dangerous and pointless endeavour that gives undue worth to a viewpoint they despise, but purely as a mental exercise theres usually something to be said for examining your opponents strongest argument instead of their weakest. Now they do. June 16, 2020 - 20:29 BST Aisha Nozari. Looking at what happened in Haiti or Jamaica or chunks of Latin America, I dont find either well, could have been much worse or what do you expect, Early Modern West Europeans, how could they have known better? to be particularly convincing responses. We do not know enough to be sure. And the Domesday Book even counts slaves as a separate category below the unfree peasants (villans, bordars and cottars) those owed service to a Lord who could order them to move about and could say yes or no to their proposed marriages, but unlike slaves he didnt own them, couldnt sell them, and they had property rights to at least a smallholding. I am happy with Olusogo paying reparations to himself. No member of my family ever owned slaves. The book accompanying. Both groups today, especially the former, could reasonably claim historic persecution has reduced their present income and wealth. Even did something positive. Surely the US has already spent much more than that on black Americans. This seems rather unlikely. It was such a brilliantly organised programme of mass protest that slavery was declared abolished in 1833: 46,000 slave owners were given 20m in compensation (17bn in todays money), the largest payout in British history and 40 per cent of all government spending that year. I suspect that whether records could prove it or not, its overwhelmingly likely to be true, especially since high-status individuals tend to make a bigger contribution to the gene pool. The historian tells Michael Segalov about getting up early, reading George Orwell, taking his dog George for a walk, playing his guitar Make sure it doesnt happen in the least costly way. Joining them is Psychologist and Lecturer at Lancaster University, Dr David Tod, for a fascinating conversation about the psychology of acting. It isnt happening now. The following decades were taken up with popular and political rhetoric about immigration and parliamentary acts to limit blacks coming to Britain. P rofessor David Olusoga is reviewing a disorientating year from a familiar place: his white-painted study, the one with the guitars hanging from its walls. If you had spare cash or could borrow, investment in slavery was a sure winner, never mind slave rebellions or hurricanes that destroyed cane fields. So he calls himself a Geordie. Within the EU the two most common ages of consent are 14 and 15 (if Ive done my counting correctly), though in some but not all cases thats with additional restrictions on permissible age gaps. Then the adult men became profitable too. During the Second World War, thousands of black American soldiers stationed in Britain were befriended by white Britons who opposed efforts by the white military to segregate them. What difference has it made? MBE, do not entertain these people, not for one second. There is no reason to think that slavery was nicer in Africa. Dr Peter Olusoga is a senior psychology lecturer at Sheffield Hallam university. At the Treaty of Utrecht in 1713, Britain was granted the right to supply slaves to the Spanish colonies in the Americas, a right then passed on to the South Sea Company. I think a case could be made. Now Im trying to imagine just what the strongest case for reparations might be, but even in this thought experiment its hard to see what the eligibility criteria for receiving payment should be, what sum should be due, how much proof is required of eligibility not everyone will have a good set of family records etc. His choice of subject and his choice of material make that very clear. There are probably a thousand organisations, charities and assorted grifters who would happily cash your cheque. Anyway, I digress, we did have at some point, a gang of pedos turn up and put their case, reasonably, and were tolerated and conversed with. Deliberately shipping that many people that far in order to participate in a newly-created society whose economic system was designed, pretty much from the ground up, around slave labour? "I have," he admits, "a habit of . Would the good professor really be so different if genealogical records could prove he had African ancestors who owned African slaves? The UK, Norway, Benelux, Spain, Malta and Switzerland are, I believe, the only western European countries to set it at 16. We could just cut to the chase, and impose a reparations tax on anyone who is descended from from anyone who did something, er, wrong. They all get it from White people inciting violence. Rather that certain western states, still in existence therefore potentially still liable, regulated and indeed encouraged the development of both the transatlantic slave trade and the slave-labour economic systems of the colonies, at scales that were unusual in the long and varied history of slavery, and levels of brutality that stood out too. Shouldnt matter whether some long-dead relative fought long ago for or against (not at all to disparage your ancestors GC, who all sound very sound) in terms of whether somethings your fault. Like I need to hand my cash to the next lass of Rus descent I see, lest she remind me of some unlucky slave-girl that may or may not have perished at the hands of my maybe-ancestors? Would probably have taken your suggestion as a challenge. It died out with the Romans leaving, and its non-legality repeatedly reaffirmed from the reign of the early Normans onwards.. You may concede a point here, a point there. What is their strongest argument? By a Senegalese author: The veiled genocide =, MyBurningEars August 30, 2020 at 11:52 am Slavery within West African societies being different again I dont think the places with very high rates of local slavery were anything like the sugar plantations. The many African-American abolitionists, such as Frederick Douglass, who visited Britain from the 1840s onwards, were well received and, again, thousands of people greeted them and raised money to support their cause. If Olusoga is looking for apologies or compensation for slavery, I am quite prepared to meet him, accept his apology, togehr with cash, cheque or even a postal order. Guess wed have to print it. Ive always agreed that the Africans should pay reparations to the rest of us for dumping all those people they wanted to get rid of on us. I personally dont find that as convincing as the case that slaves themselves deserved compensation, and while there were strong political and practical reasons owners were compensated upon abolition but not their former slaves, it doesnt leave a great moral taste in the mouth that twas so. In that moment, his interest in history overlapped. Prof Olusoga is not the only person who has been drawn to Equiano's story. So this race baiter can try his guilt trip on someone else. As it happens, I dont believe in sins of the fathers passing down the generations. But you need a different approach if you dont think great-grandkids of the Confederacy are still fair game.) Would also apply even if down a different family line there had been beneficiaries of the slave trade. Under English law, damages are assessed as being that amount needed to restore them to the position they would have been, had the event claimed against not occurred. But morals are very transient things. Have you ever read the account by Ibn Fadlan of a Viking funeral in Russia? Video, 1894 shipwreck confirms tale of treacherous lifeboat, BBC Radio 3 - Drama on 3: The Meaning of Zong, BBC Bitesize: The Zong 1781-1783 - The triangular trade, during a debate on Black History and Cultural Diversity in the Curriculum, Harry and Meghan told to 'vacate' Frogmore Cottage, Explosive found in check-in luggage at US airport, Fungus case forces Jack Daniels to halt construction, Rare Jurassic-era bug found at Arkansas Walmart, China and Belarus call for peace in Ukraine, Fire knocks out half of Argentina's power grid, Havana Syndrome unlikely to have hostile cause - US, Starbucks illegally fired workers over union - judge. One sporting event that has captured your imagination I was fortunate enough to get tickets to see some of the basketball at the London 2012 Olympics, so my brother and I went to watch the GB vs. Spain game. Slavery within West African societies being different again I dont think the places with very high rates of local slavery were anything like the sugar plantations. Dont even get me started on the Moors, Arabs and Ottomans, As for getting rich many African tribes kept slaves and their societies did not get rich. Hes insisting that a household headed by a 21 year old black should have the average wealth of all white households. Will Britain change? His rhetoric is to inflame the reader. But werent they lucky compared to the other Germans in Stalingrad? What has he got to say about that? There is no reason to think one system was more or less brutal than the other. Id say theres enormous dangers in treating this as if it was some public school debating society gig. Prof David Olusoga has presented numerous documentaries including A House Through Time and Black and Black and British: A Forgotten History, Olaudah Equiano played a role in Britain's abolishment of slavery, Performer Giles Terera has written a play featuring Equiano, Prof Olusoga said when it was published, people did not believe the book was by an African as it was deemed so well written, Bernardine Evaristo (second left) has launched a series called Black Britain: Writing Back which features novels by black British authors that have been overlooked, Should black history be taught all year round? The economics of the slave trade may have meant that it was cheaper to work someone to death rather than allowing him a comfortable old age., Less flippantly, Western countries are not of one mind when it comes to the age of consent sex with a 14 year-old is legal in some countries, criminal in others (yes yes, paedophilia versus ephebophilia etc, you got me). You know, entirely ignoring lifetime effects? We aint paying no goddam reparations & no-ones gonna make us. I am of Ulster Scot heritage, who were originally John Knoxs Cumberland Presbyterians, VERY MUCH against slavery. No? Those aged 11-14 have to be taught about the British Empire between 1745-1901, however the slave trade is one of nine examples given by the Department of Education on what can be taught. He previously worked at JP Morgan for 18 years in a number of senior roles and was . But that ignores how the demand of outsiders led inevitably to far more supply being provided, so I dont think the traders can be given a pass on this front either. However, it applies to at least 80% of Americans. Instead he has become a campaigner working to discredit Britain, the country that has educated him, promoted him and brought him fame and acceptance. * the legal institution and pretty much the practice Britain should be proud of helping to stop (African to America) slavery, like the Republican Party and unlike the Democrats. He was a prominent figure in the campaign to abolish slavery. Their demands should simply be refused. Although I would expect the Germans, and perhaps even the Japanese, to be happy they lost the war. Even discussing it gives your opponents arguments merit. Of course if a rule was instituted that only people with white skins had to pay taxes, it might happen. David Olusoga's Family David Olusoga, age 49 was born to a Nigerian father and a British mother. Mans a loon. TV historian David Olusoga claims it is "palpable nonsense" to say that removing controversial statues "somehow impoverishes history". The good news is that Black Lives Matter may be that trigger. Oh man. Fought to STOP southern independence. not at all to disparage your ancestors GC. Very little sugar on the mainland. I still find arguing the toss, or watching others doing so, interesting partly because it shows how the viewpoints are divergent, how many arguments are self-interested, what social, cultural and economic forces are at work behind it all. If the alternative was that they were killed? Id agree that attitudes in the UK are approaching that situation, but theres still a long, long way to go yet. Id say the same to the Black Lives Matter people. It does not take people long to starve to death and slaves were paid for. It wasnt always so & it may not be in the future. Needless to say they should pay us reparations for this too. Then, in October, came a breakthrough. BZZZTT!! I have done nothing. Olusoga brilliantly reveals such contradictions in British society. Its been banned for two centuries in Britain. Olusoga unloads all sorts of characterizations. if he wants to be an historian he should present a fair and realistic picture of what happened, Your email address will not be published. He also studied at the University of Liverpool and so benefits from slavery as much as anyone else. We do not know how great the demand for women was. ", TV historian rejects 'nonsense' over keeping statues, What Black History Month is - and why it matters. Not to say it was nice. The Coldest Case in Laramie: yet another bleak true crime podcast, From Sophie Mackintosh to Stephen Moss: new books reviewed in short, Universal Credit falls short of covering the bare essentials. Equiano is also mentioned in Incomparable World, a novel by SI Martin, which was selected by Booker award-winning author Bernardine Evaristo for her Black Britain: Writing Back series. Less flippantly, Western countries are not of one mind when it comes to the age of consent sex with a 14 year-old is legal in some countries, criminal in others (yes yes, paedophilia versus ephebophilia etc, you got me).. Again, not that these market forces absolve the sellers of a moral responsibility, but there is an argument occasionally deployed that slaves would have been slaves anyway. The problem with slavery is that it left us with their descendents and weak minded White populations. The BBC is not responsible for the content of external sites. Black and British: A Forgotten History addresses one of the greatest silences in British historiography. My first reaction, years and years ago, was thats awful. Youre right, MBE. The vast majority of Americans are not guilty. Anglo-Saxons had slaves. The rest of this looks like the usual white washing (so to speak) of African slavery. That star stuff wont last. Hes welcome to pursue his line of thought but he should bear in mind that tolerance is, by its nature, in the gift of the powerful. So how much have considered paedophilia? And I dont think this is what reparations campaigners are calling for either, as I understand it their argument includes systematic legacy issues not just the period of slavery itself, so the harm relates more directly to them not just their ancestors. One in which enslaved people suffered and even died from malnutrition, as the economics of the slave trade meant that it was cheaper, at times, to starve people and then replace them than it was to provide them with food. Ill disparage them. Get back to us when your sin/privilege is expunged. The novel became the bestselling book of 19th-century Britain; it was adapted for the theatre and generated mass-produced merchandise playing cards, jigsaws, tableware. If we look back history is just an unending series of atrocities. I doubt that they are now firmly united in a common cause. Prof Olusoga is not the only person who has been drawn to Equiano's story. 5 quotes from David Olusoga: 'On a peninsula protruding into one of the great highways of the Atlantic slave trade, a few hundred refugees from British slavery in North America were attempting to recreate the social structures of Northern Europe in the Middle Ages.', 'Time and again events and phenomena that we think we know and understand contain within them lost or camouflaged connections to . (I suppose it makes a point about blame not being distributed homogeneously, or that a certain group of people shouldnt be guilted just because they share the same colour of skin with another bunch of people you do think are guilty. That is a strawman argument at its best. How does it benefit anyone to make an issue about particular events? White communities suffer huge losses from Black crime. Arguably wrong in a crimes against humanity way (similar language of natural justice and universal morality indeed being used by the abolitionists and the UK itself when it tried to enforce a ban on the trade) that made it inherently illegal even when governments tried to put it on a legal footing. That was when the Democrats were still Americans. Support 100 years of independent journalism. "Incorporating the stories of people like Equiano is merely part of a process of looking at all of British history; not just being selective, not only going to the chapters that make us feel good about ourselves or proud.". Which of those societies does Olusogas ancestry come from? He is a Cultural Marxist trying to destroy the West. He was born in Nigeria but arrived in the . After all, adult males were all but worthless and demand for women might have been enough to drive the trade anyway. Then a young teenager, he was driven out of his council home, together with his grandmother, mother, two sisters and younger brother, by a sustained campaign of nightly stoning of their windows. Although the bottom line is that no Black person remembers slavery. Though I dont know where wed get $12 trillion in Confederate currency. West Indians fought with the Allies more than a hundred were decorated. It seems absurd to me that anyone should be concerned about what happened 200 or 500 years ago. Cest de la trs bonne dialectique conomique. Then a young teenager, he was driven out of his council home, together with his grandmother, mother, two sisters and younger brother, by a sustained campaign of nightly stoning of their windows. It's possibly a deeper change than some people realise because I don't think what we're living through is a series of political events; I think we're living through a generational shift," he says. I could just as well feel something else entirely, and Im sceptical of all approaches to impose a supposedly universal, timeless or even just coherent, thats a challenge in itself ethical system. John Mandeville, whose travelogue (circa 1356) was one of the most widely translated books of the later Middle Ages, presented Africans as naked savages living amid heaps of gold to which they gave no value. "They look to history not just for inspiration and comfort, not just for heroes and for glorious chapters; they look for history expecting to find challenging stories, painful stories, dark truths, villains as well as heroes. Eventually, 11,000 separate British slave-trading expeditions resulted in the trafficking of three-and-a-half-million Africans to the New World plantations, the greatest forced migration in modern history until the 20th century. "They do not want British history to be a catalogue of heroes and victories and glorious chapters," he says. A covering letter would be a courtesy but probably not a necessity. That hes able to write this article is because hes living in what is, by historical standards, a remarkably tolerant society. Fryers book was monumental, inspiring conferences, publications, the setting up of local history groups, the establishment of Black History Month, and radio and television programmes. Whitey bad, give me cash? Britain was happy to force the Bevan Boys down coal mines. Should black history be taught all year round? They may not be happy about Dresden or Hiroshima but their lives are much better. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Maybe Europeans did increase demand. ), Who is fundamentally right about reparations for slavery? One issue about Westerners buying slaves via a chain of commerce that often ultimately involved Africans selling other Africans at traditional slave-trading locations (there was some slave-raiding by Europeans directly, but rarer) is that the extra demand distorted the market, led directly to more armed slave-raiding expeditions against rival tribes and so on. The Barbados slave code of 1661 stripped Africans of all human rights, and set out ways in which they were to be punished, to exert control over their labour (mutilation of the face, slitting of nostrils, castration, execution). Certainly they killed them casually often for religious reasons. It is a political campaign, not a contribution to academic history. But that ignores how the demand of outsiders led inevitably to far more supply being provided. It was an apt university to experiment with such developments, since Lord Scarman, who reported on the Brixton riots of 1981, was its chancellor. See, five years ago I wouldnt have written a crass comment like that, but hey, times achanging and as financially independent with some FU-money, I dont have to worry about cancellation culture, LOL. And that still stands even if there really are a bunch of torturing murderers out there too. Definitely didnt die out with the Romans. Blacks like Mr Olusoga despite endlessly banging on about it seem to overlook the fact that they are in a minority. Should black history be taught all year round? My great grandfather fought to end slavery in a war. And so, equipped with the fruits of Islamic learning (new navigational instruments, books on astronomy and trigonometry), European explorers set sail for Africa to relieve the natives of their gold. That is not true. Later his parents separated from each other when he was just two years old. Cotton was a completely different slave economy. While I dont think they persuaded anyone, they did shift perspectives a bit. Read about our approach to external linking. "Equiano is the most important voice that we have from the British experience of slavery and the slave trade," he said. TV presenter David Olusoga has told the Edinburgh TV Festival his career had sometimes left him feeling "crushed, isolated," and "disempowered". This history of the black presence in . Just how much should Olusoga receive? The answer is money. Video, 00:02:30Should black history be taught all year round? Olusoga patterns his narrative after Fryers, starting with the North African presence in Roman Britain. Sugar was king: originally a luxury, it became one of the main sources of calories for the British poor. No other race / culture was willing and able to do that. Not sure how sick this makes me. He was Chairman of Moneysupermarket Group from 2014 to 2019 and Senior Independent Director of Close Brothers Group plc from 2006 to 2014 and is a Past President of the Chartered Management Institute. 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