Yes Sylvia is resting in peace I am certain of it she deserves it after all of the crap she had to put up with from Gertrude who did most of the damage but also sat by at times and let her children or the neighbor hood kids torture her which I don't approve of. She must have felt so desperet and lonely. Sylvia and her sister Jenny were subjected to emotional and physical torture and abuse at the hands of Gertrude Baniszewski (ban-ish-ev-ski) during the summer and fall of 1965. They sure as hell should have never seen the light of day again! Evil, negligence, and ignorance everywhere in this tragedy. Gmail address: or whatsapp +2348124765093 .visit his website I,m erin james and you can get intouch with me via also view website to know him. What type of murders are the hardest to solve? I have used Oregano oil, Coconut oil, Acyclovir, Valacyclovir, Famciclovir, and some other products and it's really helped during my outbreaks. Please possibly go that route when it can be helped. The whole world against 1 person. Like the murders of Channon Christian and Chris Newsom or the Wichita Massacre, it does not take a serial killer or a famous victim to stand out as one of the worst tragedies to occur in American Crime. The members of . i has been stocked in bondage with herpes for two years and four months i has tried different means to eliminate this sickness because it surely has distract me even with the world, and i was told there is no cure, but only medicine for treatment all the possible ways i has tried was treatment, two months back i did some herpes research and i found amazing testimonies concerning natural herbal cure, and i go for it through the email address from the post just to give a try of herbal treatment, and i found it grate without delay i got cured with natural treatment from doc Twaha herbal cure his cure are powerful and shows out excellent result. For her anyways. They locked the prison down. Likely as he was a police officer. Gertrude should have been sentenced to solitary confinement for life. This case and Sylvia's tormentors should've been a point of deep study. This is one of those times where I hope this was just a bad joke and not serious. About 73 now. I've been haunted by what happened to Sylvia. I know I'm late to the party by more than a decade, but I just clicked over and read the Natty Bumppo/Denise Noe correspondence, along with the asides thrown in by a few others. I'm so relieved to say that I've not had even one outbreak for a whole month now. I pray that Sylvia is in a better place now and that our communities never ever let such hideous crimes happen again. Agree! No one was ever arrested for that. There is a similar case in germany with a girl called Karolina, she wast just 3 years old. i used the medicine as he instructed me (MORNING and EVENING) and i was cured! Jenny Likens testimony, undated. The house where 16-year-old Sylvia Likens was tortured to death in 1965. They should have rape her w a broom. There have been people that have been burned to death, beaten to death, they've burned down one another's houses and shot and stabbed one another. When someone says what you said it basically just means that you have strong feelings too but no explanation or words that would actually help and you are sorry for that. Allowing it in her home and promoting it. It was Stephanie or Paula's baby. The abuse had lasted for three months before she died on October 26, 1965, in Indianapolis, Indiana, due to malnutrition and extensive injuries. You can also get help from this great and powerful herbs can also contact Dr OGU Patrick through via this email: , Text or call him via : +1 719 629 0982. i wish theh all burn in helland karma never comes late WELL LOOKS LIKE THEY ALL GOT THEIR KARMA MOST ALL DIED. Who is Mazda owned by?ToyotaSumitomo Mitsui Banking CThe Master Trust Bank of JapanJapan Trustee Services B. Judge clearly stated "recommending life sentence" and not "ordering life sentence". Did any of them tell Sylvia they were sorry? That the people involved have gone on like they did nothing shows the depths of their evil. Here is Stephanie's public picture she posted as a young girl on her Facebook, FINALLY FREE FROM HERPES VIRUSI thought my life had nothing to offer anymore because lifebecame meaningless to me because I had Herpes virus, thesymptoms became very severe and bold and made my familyrun from and abandoned me so they won't get infected. Herpes is a painful viral infection that can reside dormant on the nerve.I'm so exited to share my testimonies about the Good Work of Dr. Edidia who get me cured from herpes simplex virus (HSV1&2) with his herbs, I never thought that I will live on earth before the year runs out. Tragic Murder of Sylvia Likens. Jenny Likens and her family appeared on television to speak out against Gertrude Baniszewski. You're missing the obvious. It made me sick to my core that someone(alot of someone's) would do that to another human. Where other medical prescribed drugs and treatments failed, Dr oduku natural herbs helped saved me from Genital herpes permanently and Im so grateful for this. Do you know your hidden name meaning ? Hi, there - I've also read everything I could find: House of Evil/The Indiana Torture Slaying (most factual); Kate Millett's The Basement (facts mixed with fiction) & Patte Wheat's By Sanction of the Victim (fiction based on Sylvia's story), the trial transcripts (which told me the most) & the Wiki (which seems to have some urban legends/hearsay mixed in; needs to be corrected).Re: how Sylvia lived as long as she did, it seems the human body has a remarkable ability to survive all sorts of stuff (read, for instance, about John McCain's experience as a torture victim). You will be separated from the others. She will remain. Thats just dying. two days later I receive the cure from the courier service so I used it as the herbal man instructed me to, before the week complete my sister cancer was healed and it was like a dream to me not knowing that it was physical I and my family were very happy about the miracle of Doctor so my dad wanted to pay him 5 million us dollars the herbal man did not accept the offer from my dad, but I don't know why he didn't accept the offer, he only say that I should tell the world about him and his miracle he perform so am now here to tell the world about him if you or your relative is having any kind of disease that you can't get from the hospital please contact or whats app him +2348110114739 you can follow him up on Instagram @herbalist_sakura for the cure, he will help you out with the problem. I advice you to contact this great herbal doctor Ojamo as he have cure for different kinds of diseases. I mean for peets sake her own daughter was pregnant and claimed that it was Sylvia who was pregnant and not her. Some crimes when they reach unto a level of depravity that is inhuman and unconscionable, the perpetrator ceases to deserve their human rights due to their inhuman actions. I believe with all my heart that Sylvia is resting in peace and is finally free. Required fields are marked *. Will Xbox Series X ever be in stock again? You can email him too via:, Watch and Download world's famous drama series Kurulus Osman in English on link below Kurulus Osman in English Get free .com domain name and start your own website Free .com domain name Crypto trading online courseJoin on link below Crypto quantum leap Read Home doctor book online Then you will be a doctor for your family Home Doctor Book Create own NFTs and earn 1000$Complete guideCreate NFT Join online YouTube course And be a professional YouTuberTube Mastery and Monetization by matt Steel Bite ProBest product for Teeth pain, cavities,teeth whitening and other oral health issues with money back guaranteeSteel Bite Pro, Thank you for nice information. But they could be twins!! Paula, then 17, was the oldest child at the house. The actual date of their wedding hasn't been publicly disclosed at the time of writing. From all accounts, she finally tried to escape because she overheard Gertrude discussing killing her and/or dumping her in a nearby forest to die. During the first year,I had faith in God that I would be healed someday. There were no laws then. thanks you so much friends that has join me to thank Dr. Ehimare for what he has actually done for me i pray to you all for a good life and property, his contact. Prayers!! My friend told her she needed to get rid of that boyfriend. She was the daughter of Lester Likens and Betty Grimes and twin of Benny Likens.Jenny suffered from a weakened leg due to polio. After the fact, perpetrators will often experience failing mental health, PTSD, suicidal tendencies, substance dependency and a myriad of other mental defects associated with inducing physical or mental trauma upon their victims. That's Bullshit! She was now fully incontinent, and in a bid to clean her up, twelve-year-old John Jr. hosed Sylvia down while he laughed at her. My severe shortness of breath, dry cough, chest tightness gradually disappeared. I know what it's like to be outcasted and sometimes when you're not liked the dislike can turn to violence , I understand. "Pray to the Lord"I'm sure Sylvia did that every day she was being tortured. The end of human rule is very, very close.Yeshua knew that many of us would not find human rule effective or acceptable. They also chose me because I was a bit of an innocent, a trusting person who saw the best in others, and also, because I DID possess a fighting spirit, though that trust meant it took longer to awaken. Is the movie An American Crime a true story? The now former teacher's aide at the high school in Conrad served time in prison as a result of her involvement in a 1965 murder in Indiana. I hope the mom'body is dug up violated. i contacted him to know how he can help me and he told me never to worry that he will help me with the natural herbs from God! The case is unique in that, while Baniszewski did play an active role in Likens' death, the majority of the torture that eventually . No detentions, No chances like "oh well we believe murders can change!". Really makes me wonder what the police dog was brought over and really left for. Jennifer "Jenny" Likens was born on 13 Feb 1950 in Indianapolis. Maybe that tells you where are pedophiles are. Dr. Riaria cured my herpes virus that have been in my body since two years, ever since then my life has been incomplete, Ihave used so many drugs that was prescribed to me by doctors, but it didn't cure my herpes virus, i was checking for solution on the internet then I miraculously came across Dr. Riaria the powerful herbalist that can cure herpes infection, then Icontacted him through his email, Iexplained everything to him and he prepared a herbal medicine and sent it to me through FedEx,which Itook for 14 days with the instruction he gave me, and when I did a test in the hospitalmy resultcame out negativeit was the happiestday of my life that am cure from HSV 2, are you also suffering from same virus or another diseases you can simplycontact him via email: you can also call or WhatsApphim on: +2349134987375. The perpetrators even managed to involve an entire neighborhood of kids to help them commit this brutal murder. A few days later, in the paper, head lines, society couldn't get justice, but the prison did. In the last 50 years or so there have been several other horrifying crimes in that area. Some people are just classless morons. i've tried looking up who is still alive, but can't find anything. Who is the mother of jelly rolls daughter? its really like a dream but i'm so happy! Its a good thing I wasn't the judge, cos that's EXACTLY what they would've gotten. Since she had a tiny income, Baniszewski took in children for the Summer to earn extra money. However, typically, Lester kept his kids by his side. Read the Word. I am hoping the same best work from you in the future as well. Look a little more closely at that man. If not in this life, in the next, but justice will prevail. He made no excuses for himself, but he did explain who he was at that time, why he chose me, and how he had come to rally so many people to the cause of my daily humiliation. Oi. It freed me in many ways. So even if these kids were capable of harming Sylvia, WHERE was the compassion? He went there at least once a month to give Gertrude money, yet his daughter seemed in good health? So if you are suffering from any deadly disease you can also contact this great man on his email: call/WhatsApp:+2349023428871here is his website: Your account rings "true," though, & sorry to hear about Jennie's husband. The entire family. After Likens finished the letter, Baniszewski began formulating a plan to have John Jr. and Jenny Likens take Sylvia to a nearby garbage dump and leave her there to die. I watched the American Crime movie about this story and it was so disturbing I have never forgotten it! Everyone on the post, justice was not served. Jenny Likens: Jenny was born Feb. 13, 1950. I went for medical check and the result was negative from Herpes. HOW I GOT CURED OF HERPES DISEASEI'm here to testify about what DR. OSO did it for me. He encouraged and promised to get my man back for me and to help me win the lottery. Jolie its 2019. Shudders down my spine. I wonder if during Gertrudes last days, did she and Paula discuss Sylvia? . I say this out of love. HIV/AIDS2. Where can I get help? Firstly the extreme poverty of all counterparts and then the total cluster bleep of the justice system and denial of all the perpetrators. Soon a LOT of people will be gone, and the government will have to attribute it to aliens or something. Also, if she tried escaping several days before her death, why not try and escape way before this?And, Jenny said Sylvia's face was swollen up and was bruised. thank you for saving my life, and I promise Iwill always testify for your good work. When Sylvia overheard this, she ran down the stairs attempting to escape, but was stopped by Baniszewski as Likens stepped out the front door and onto the porch. They didn't murder anyone but they became harsh and quick to anger when they had been friendly caring people before. This is arguably the most heinous and depraved crimes in American history, and there was no justice for Sylvia Likens. Murders, rapists, kidnappers and robbers don't deserve any mercy whatsoever. COPD is not simply a "smoker's cough" but an under-diagnosed, life-threatening lung disease and now all thanks to dr.Successful @ Or Dm him via whatsapp link Dr. Which memorial do you think is a duplicate of Danny Likens (202447509)? When her identity was revealed she could have tried to own up to her crime, but she slunk away like a snake in the grass. If you've ever read Jack Ketchum's "The Girl Next Door," you may not know that the novel was loosely based on the horrific story of Sylvia Likens. Nowhere to be found. She was no different than Charles Manson and he didn't kill, his followers did. i used the medicine as he instructed me (MORNING and EVENING) and i was cured! I never believed it until I was helped and cured of my 16 months genital herpes with natural herbal medicines from Dr OGU Patrick. My life has been devoted to this concern I will add. Jenny Likens went on to marry and had two children of her own. The medicine has NO SIDE EFFECT, There's no special diet when taking the medicine. that's the reason i decided to also add more comment of Him so that more people can be saved just like me and if you need his help contact his Email: you can also contact him on mobile number and via whats app +2349077406037You can check on his website for more info It doesn't matter what you are going through in life Dr Amber is here to help. Yes, Sylvia Likens was indeed a real person, and she did suffer under the hands of Gertrude Baniszewski. They will destroy, humiliate, and even cause death. Your write up is a fine example of it.richard touil. Diana, Sylvias older sister, was warned about the houses potential dangers from her sisters. I am from The Netherlands, so sorry if i misspell some things. I'm thinking that maybe someone needs to start a new one - I can't atm but maybe in the future, 'cause, yeah, Sylvia deserves much better than this. And yet the evil mother had a better life after the murder. At first, she figured her siblings were being melodramatic, yet she soon realized that something was terribly wrong. Survivors include her husband, Leonard Wade; son Bob Ford; daughter Tammy Ford; father Lester Likens; brother Danny Likens; sister Diane Nutchel ; mother-in-law Gladys Hostetler; and one grandchild. Although her husband was able to compose himself in court, she struggled to testify due to her overwhelming grief. Thank you - my post that said more or less the same seems only to have encouraged more *E&#@&& on this page. sorry. I already had hatred, contempt, and disgust for this culture I live in. HEPATITIS B 6.DIABETES 7. Paula Baniszewski was 17 years old in the summer of 1965 when a 16-year-old girl names Sylvia Likens and her sister came to stay with Baniszewski's family. Truth is this has no happy ending other than she is no more and with her the suffering goes to. I am 30 right now no kids and I have 2 freinds that I consider them real friends anyway enough about me I got carried away, just wanted to say I really feel Sylvia didn't deserve this and I feel related to her somehow, people are just haters and I will never understand this. After 21 days when the herb got almost finish i went to a medical doctor, i did a test and discover that the virus was gone, and my test result were HSV 1%2 negative,i was so surprise and happy! She has a public number, This is from "Jenny Likens Wade died of a heart attack on June 23, 2004 at the age of 54. Likens' father, impoverished and traveling to make a meager living for his family, had placed the girl and her sister, Jenny, in the care of Baniszewski. She will never suffer again. I really appreciate you Dr. Ehimare for bringing back happiness to my life again. Jenny McCarthy says her experience in the Playboy Mansion was different from those depicted in Secrets of Playboy.. A very strong Christian had to remind me that God is just. If you are reading this, say a prayer for Sylvia. The Likens Family. As they too in their own way used this same 'God' rhetoric to absolve and explain and thus forgive themselves entirely of these unforgivable acts. Here's the Wikipedia synopsis of the case: Sylvia Likens was the third child of carnival workers Betty and Lester Likens. two days later I receive the cure from the courier service so I used it as the herbal man instructed me to, before the week complete my sister cancer was healed and it was like a dream to me not knowing that it was physical I and my family were very happy about the miracle of Doctor so my dad wanted to pay him 5 million us dollars the herbal man did not accept the offer from my dad, but I don't know why he didn't accept the offer, he only say that I should tell the world about him and his miracle he perform so am now here to tell the world about him if you or your relative is having any kind of disease that you can't get from the hospital please contact or WhatsApp him +2348110114739 you can follow him up on Instagram @herbalist_dr_sakura visit his website for the cure, he will help you out with the problem. Two movies based on Sylvia Likens released in 2007 took her harrowing story to the screen. How one of the most tragic stories in our states history began our mission to protect and care for children of abuse from every corner of our community. This is such a tragic heart wrenching case, but the concept of group think and how easily people can be led away from the basic elements of humanity are frightening, yet fascinating. Available to stream on Tubi TV (The Girl Next Door) and Peacock (An American Crime). Email} WhatsApp /call +2348164866838. I quickly ordered the product and started using the remedies. Now Im reading this thread about it and apparently the sister (Jenny) who went through all of it with her was completely against fictionalizing her sister's murder and Jack Ketchum released the book very shortly after she died (and therefor could no longer sue) like thats some true . One of the film's primary departures from reality is the sympathetic portrayal of Paula Baniszewski; interviews conducted after her arrest revealed that Paula was fully compliant in Likens' torture, and at one point had even taken to literally rubbing salt in Likens' wounds, independent of . They all should have been made to suffer greatly after what they did to Sylvia. I'm not bothered by his empathy for Hobbs or for Lester, but this idea that they are victims at anything close to her level is bizarre and, it seems to me, completely chauvinistic - which is not a word I use lightly in 2016, almost 2017 America. And if you find the bastards, KILL EM! And yet, us as tax payers are suppose to help pay our taxes to keep these punks alive? Top Quality, Cheap and easy to apply solutions to deliver your desire health and fitness results. Though Gertrude probably did have herpes, that's besides the point. One day, which what all is happening at this time, election, covid, fake news, riots, birthing pains have begun. Why would you need to add that? Paula is pace now. My names are Clara David Im a citizen of USA, My younger sister was sicking of breast cancer and her name is Sandra David I and my family have taking her to all kind of hospital in USA still yet no good result. The cruelty involved, and by children no less, makes this case even more tragic. May God have a special place for their souls and their "resting place" really close to the Sun. I just want everyone to know they were just sweet young ladies. I followed his directions and now To God be the glory he could cure me with his herbal mixture. Scariest movie ever. Gertrude was the gang leader and her deputy was her daughter Paula. Lester paid $20 a week for both girls to be boarded by Miss. There is a short clip of Gertrude leaving prison on YouTube, but not the full scene.This really is a sickening and bizarre case. I would like to thank you for the efforts you have made in writing this article. I already gave up on ever getting cured of HSV2 because I have try many treatment none of them work out for me I have be to different hospital they always tell me same thing there is no cure for herpes when i came across a post about Dr momoh, in the net from a lady called Rebecca I contacted him and he reassured me with his herbal medicine which I took according to the way he instructed, that how i was cured. Her name then was Paula Baniszweski, and she was convicted of manslaughter for the death of a 16-year-old girl. No. Full compliance would have been boring to my bullies. Natural roots/herbs are the best remedy which can easily eradicate herpes forever. Watching "The Girl Next Door", had to look up the real story behind it. She already had hell. YHVH, God, said a life for a life. Whats he gonna do with her after she goes to heaven? She also married. Take that church bull, that those of you that protest outside of a court room on death penalty. About a month later we read about her in the newspaper. Something is definitely not making any sense. And i have not seen any pics of John Sr either. His feast and law was for forever, not when Son came, and would be done away with, but a law to keep forever. It's a shame people are shallow enough to abuse and disrespect this page. While the violent crime itself will likely never leave the discussion, the shattered family that Sylvia left behind is far less talked about. What is the biggest crime ever committed? Twice convicted of first-degree murder, she won parole in 1985, the year this photo was taken, and died in 1990. . What a sad sad story. Paula is one of the worst and I'm still scratching my head over the sympathetic portrayal her character received in the film An American Crime. If you need help please just write one of us and we can wisely plan recourse to help as soon as possible. Men women children. Paul whom murder belevers had an awakening. Jenny Likens enrolled in a Job Corps program in 1966 and later got a job in a bank. They had a son, Dennis Jr, but soon after that Wright abandoned her and disappeared. Ehimare also cure the following virus and many more 1} Cancer 2} Diabetes 3} Hepatitis 4} fibroid 5} herpes 6} Lupus. She was preceded in death by her mother, Betty (Grimes) Likens Matheson; twin brother Benny . Unfortunately, she struggled to get through life and leave her past behind. Silvia looked dirty and her hair wasn't washed and she looked so worn out all the time. after 2 days of contacting him, he told me that the cure has been ready and he sent it to me via FEDEX or DHL and it got to me after 4 days! You can reach him by email, I strongly recommend him to any one out here looking for a cure. Go figured, more info is out that it's those in power that are paying for children. Contact him via and his whatsapp and calling number is +2348101571054 facebook page, I had my first outbreak of Herpes virus nearly 4 years ago. You are here: Home How What happen to Jenny Likens? By bad choices, breaking His law, like Adam and Eve. I will see if I can flag the comment or get any info through various ways but damn WTF you know!? As someone who endured significant physical harm at the hands of a group of strangers on a daily basis, I suppose I did radiate a certain vulnerability, yes. Quot ; jenny & quot ; jenny & quot ; jenny & quot ; jenny & quot ; &... Would 've gotten the remedies where 16-year-old Sylvia Likens released in 2007 took her harrowing to... Court room on death penalty n't matter what you are reading this say... What DR. OSO did it for me and to help as soon as possible but justice will.... As hell should have been boring to my bullies, Sylvia Likens indeed. 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