How you deal with him affects your Force alignment, in much the same manner as your dealings with Nico on Tatooine. Once you activate stealth mode, your character will disappear from sight, allowing you to travel where you wish, provided you don't run across an enemy with keen eyesight. While a Force storm might knock a group of opponents down to half of their life, a Force wave is much more likely to stun a good number of them, which not only makes them easier to kill, but prevents them from dealing damage to you while they're knocked out. Once they're dead, search the bodies for the Mandalorian head that you need to return to Garn. This has less to do with any special aptitude for battle, however, than with the fact that he's your only ally for the first few hours of gameplay. Galaxy Side Quests, for lack of a better term, are quests that do not take place on any specific planet, but are driven either by your presence on the Ebon Hawk, or by your discussions with your party members as you gain experience and proceed along the main storyline. Your character's proficiency in KOTOR's skills will to a large extent determine the path you take through the game. Proceeding on, you'll run across a squad of five Sith troopers who have just wiped out a bunch of Republic soldiers. If you choose to create a quick character, your attributes will be distributed automatically, but if you wish to create a custom character, you'll be able to choose all of your vital statistics individually using a pay-for-points system. Equip Brejiks belt if you can, to save yourself from five points of damage per blow. You do not actually get the profit from this, however. Another small skirmish follows, but this time Bastila comes to rescue you after you're irrevocably stunned by Malak. Charge up your party with the usual suspects: Force speed, valor, aura, and the like. Bring the Chieftain's gaffi stick back to the Czerka office for your reward. Juhani's tale begins with the story of her journey to Dantooine, and eventually extends backwards into her past, including the story of her harsh upbringing on Taris, and the bitterness she feels towards you and Bastila regarding what she feels was your role in its destruction. The third rank doubles the point bonus, meaning that if you achieved the third rank of this feat at level 12, you'd still possess the 12 extra vitality from the first rank, but also instantaneously gain another 12 points. Once you have your Medallion, you can talk to some of the other prospective Sith to tease them about it, or just talk to Yuthura to gain access to the Academy. Regardless, head up to the holding facility and let your teammates free; they'll make a mandatory party for you, and you'll be on your way. There's also a quasi-cardshark named Furko here who'll offer to play you a few times, with escalating wagers and more difficult side decks as you progress. If you win against Niklos enough, he'll eventually accuse you of cheating and won't play anymore. Near the first batch of katarns, there's a body with a Zabrak Tystel Mark III blaster pistol, which, ignoring the name, is probably the best blaster pistol you've come across so far, excepting Carth's with full upgrades. I even kind of like playing in Windowed mode because I can see my facebook messages and things! Both of these are fairly easily accomplished as adjuncts to the main quest, so you might as well stop in and say hello to the mercs before continuing on. Go with dexterity. Each task that can be accomplished with a given computer requires a certain number of spikes, but the computer use skill reduces the number of spikes necessary for a job by one for every four points of proficiency you possess in the skill. You should also visit with Juhani if you did manage to bring her back to the Light side of the force, but you won't be able to add her to your party yet. Kudos' reward for 10 straight wins is bugged, unfortunately; sometimes you apparently get a sigil crystal, other times you'll get an anomalous entry in your journal which has no bearing on the game. B-4D4 was a protocol droid working for Czerka Corporation and a secretary of Jana Lorso, the Czerka representative on Citadel Station. A villager has gone outside the gates, for some reason, and the gatekeeper refuses to allow him access, since he's being chased by a Rakghoul. 429. Once he escapes the medical facility, he'll need to overpower the guards hand-to-hand until he finds the one with the keycard. After hooking up with him, you'll be whisked off to Davik's compound. You're going to need a hunting license while you're on Tatooine anyway, so once you get one, return to the hunting lodge. When it comes to protection, Malak is quite understandably the hardest enemy to hit in the entire game, with a ranking of 37 defense through some inscrutable series of bonuses. Unfortunately, he has a little scripted sequence where he waits for your party to enter the arena, then releases the hounds. You'll need to walk on the nine squares in order to unlock the door beyond; the tenth square, off to the side, is the game's reset button. A mix of five deadly frag mines and five deadly plasma mines is enough to almost completely kill Malak, even when he has a full health bar; just make sure you've cleared out all of the trapped Jedi first, because you obviously only get one shot at this. For our money, the best side deck consists of three +/-2 cards, three +/-4 cards, and four +/-3 cards, although the numbers of each card doesn't matter as much as the fact that they're there: if you don't have enough +/-3's, replace those slots with other double-sided cards, not a +3 or a -3. Jedi consulars seem to fit into the mold of the 'crazy old wizard,' since they are much more adept at channeling the Force than are the other two classes. These are twitch games, no doubt about it, so casual RPG players may find these challenges a bit out of their league. A little droid T1-N1 is here. Later on youll have a quest with Opo once you have explored more of the station. You may want to let one of your characters get up close, then throw a few ion grenades into the mix to hopefully knock most of its life away. Hope you don't have a lightsaber phobia, because it looks like you'll be the proud owner of one pretty soon. If this article is un-readable please report it so that we may fix it. Unfortunately, the game doesn't have a weapon switch button, so you have to go into the menu screen and replace your weapons manually, if you decide to do so. A +/-6, for instance, should be scrapped in favor of a +3, just because, due to the way the cards hit the table, you're more likely to find a use for it. Unlock the door to the detention area, then head up the hallway and get free Carth, et al. After that, however, when you gain enough experience to advance one level, you leave him as a level four character, thus delaying the level-up, saving it until you get off of Taris and become a Jedi, when you can pile all of those saved levels into your new Jedi class. Even though your party probably handled the earlier beast in the Shyrack Caves easily, two will be a challenge for any solo character. change the 1 to a 0. Yep, shot her in the back. The battle, surprisingly enough, is not all that difficult. With papers in hand, you can head further on to the northwest to reach the Undercity elevator, or you can fool around in the Lower City collecting items and experience, if you wish. Visit the Bumani Exchange in Residential 082 East and this time you should be able to get in. When you go through the door at the end of the ramp, you'll meet up with the rogue assassin droid and five of his closest friends. If you choose the wrong sword, or anger Ajunta during your dialogues, he'll attack you. He owed a gambling debt to the Exchange that he was unable to pay off, leading him into trouble. You may have noticed the dormant computer terminals scattered around the room; after the factory is activated, these will switch on and allow you access. In order to complete it, you'll need to pester the computer in the Temple Catacombs for information about the Rakatan's genetic structure; if you do so, and return to Ll'awa with the info, he'll give you a small tip for the trouble. (Note that, due to the mechanics of the critical hit, this doesn't necessarily mean that 80% of your attacks will do double damage. Since this is a passive feat, it is always active, and will help your characters stun or incapacitate their opponents. If you're willing to take a Dark side hit, and have been seriously pumping persuasion, you can knock down the price to 1,000 credits, or even force her to hand over the droid for free. This will at least set you up with a meeting with the Exchange boss, Slusk. Aside from the basics of using cure, heal, or a medpac when you run low on life, you'll want to boost your attacks per round, either through flurry or an upgraded speed power. You can also blackmail the alien Czerka technician (the guy who gives you his credentials) and get 25 credits from him. You have a couple of options to get through the room separating you and Carth: you can either repair the droid and send him in to attack the troopers, or use the computer terminal to overload a power conduit near the troopers, killing all of them instantly. If you find yourself filled with righteous indignation at this misappropriation of your talents, tell Hulas how you feel, and he'll challenge you to a ritual duel in the Dune Sea, but warn you that you have to come alone. Head around to the side entrance and proceed back into the compound. Persuasion and affect mind don't always overlap; sometimes you'll be able to persuade someone of something that affect mind won't have an option for, and vice versa. After reprogramm ing B-4D4-GE3 the Protocol Droid working for Czerka Corporation, which freed him from his duty to serve Czerka and gave him the ability to lie.Chodo Habat then sent B-4D4 back to the Czerka offices with the mission to find and copy the files of Czerka's . After you answer all of his riddles correctly, the Rakatan will return you to your body. If your character is using a ranged weapon, any enemy that attacks you with a melee weapon will get an automatic +10 bonus to their attack roll, meaning that they'll almost always hit you. The shapeshifter is in the Upper Shadowlands, and can be somewhat time-consuming to find. Thanks, it's been several years since I've played 2 and I couldn't remember if you. Meet the leader of the Czerka operation here on Telos. Your characters are much better off when coordinating their attacks on a single powerful foe than by splitting up and attacking whomever the computer chooses for them to fight. Luckily, he's quite good at it. Proceeding south from Elise, you'll run into a few of the previously mentioned Kath hounds. Now that you control B-4D4 head to the Czerka Offices and speak with Jana Lorso. You can attempt to talk him out of the whole bounty idea with a high persuasion, or simply pay the whole 200 credits that he demands. That will occur soon enough, but not before you use your shiny new flamethrower to put a serious dent in the Sith's health. If you want to be sure to shift to your new target at the end of the round, empty your queue with the Y button, then select your new target and queue actions with the X button. Target is stunned and takes two-thirds of the attacking Jedi's level in damage every two seconds for six seconds, Target is stunned and takes two-thirds of the attacking Jedi's level in damage every two seconds for six seconds, and takes a -4 penalty to strength, dexterity, and constitution for 24 seconds, Target is stunned for six seconds and takes damage equal to half of their (the target's) maximum vitality, Save versus fortitude: No choking effect, take damage equal to attacking Jedi's level, Single victim takes -2 penalty to defense, reflex saves, and attack rolls for 30 seconds, Target is drained of one point from each attribute every three seconds for 21 seconds, and is slowed, Target is drained of one point from each attribute every second for 12 seconds, and is slowed. Dark Jedi, Sith apprentices, Sith heavy troopers, and Sith troopers all apparently take personal offense at your continued presence in this area. Don't fool with the terminal just yet, but remember where it is if you run into any trouble. Knights of the Old Republic II - The Sith Lords is the 2005 sequel by Obsidian Entertainment to BioWare's 2003 . Interested in getting to the surface on the planet Telos, she agreed to help Chodo Habat and his Ithorians against Czerka, their competitors for the Telosian restoration project, in exchange for a shuttle off Citadel Station. There are some other areas of interest in the Upper City, so once you're done looking around.. take a look around elsewhere. The good news is that you earned experience points at various steps along the way, so the sum total isn't all that disappointing. Given the nature of KOTOR, though, most of a Jedi sentinel's negotiations will be of the aggressive variety, but not to worry; Sentinels are quite adept at handling themselves in combat. If you had him equipped with items before the Leviathan was boarded, he apparently retains them, so use anything you have to kill the technician, then load up with the parts you find around the office. Although all Jedi are trained in the proper use of a lightsaber upon initiation into the Jedi Order, it's a simple matter of fact that some of them are more adept at wielding the blade than others. Assuming you destroyed the harvester, feel free to be truthful; they'll actually commend you for your environmental awareness, which should make all you Final Fantasy players feel right at home. Main article: Squad Tactics (XCOM: Enemy Unknown). Jolee is one of the last NPCs you'll add to your party, but he's far from the worst. Proceed northeast from here, into what is winkingly called the 'Guest' Room, where the Ebon Hawk's former pilot is being held in a torture cell. Soldiers will miss out on some early opportunities for experience, since they won't be able to use skills to solve problems to gain the optional experience bonuses available in some situations, but you can always come back later on with a highly skilled NPC and gain at least some of that experience, or just wait for some of the respawning enemies later on in the game. If not, at least your friends won't be affected, and you'll be able to retreat behind them and hopefully not get killed. You can also hit up Mission for a tutorial any time you're on the Ebon Hawk. Kotor 2 Czerka Mainframe Light Side; Kotor 2 Czerka Mainframe Quest Help; In the following pages, you will find an insanely detailed walkthrough, covering all of the main and optional quests on each of the game's seven massive planets, a thorough overview of character creation, and special strategies for mini-games, like Pazaak and swoop racing. Once you find the poachers, talk to Commander Dern to learn a bit about the situation. If you still use a blaster weapon in battle, then you're unlikely to be powerful enough to go toe-to-toe with a Dark Jedi, but even if you have Jedi teammates who are able to take down opposing Jedi, you'll still usually be unable to fire your weapon at the enemy, since half of them will just be deflected away anyway. Enter Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic, an epic new Xbox-exclusive (for now) RPG from BioWare, creators of such RPG masterpieces as Baldur's Gate and Neverwinter Nights, and LucasArts. B-4D4 was assigned the ID number 003127. You can accept his reward, or refuse it for a beneficial Light side bonus. Which is where this Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic 2 lightsaber guide comes in. The Exchange leader is a guy called Loppak Slusk. Rickard, who couldn't have seen glare, because the sky was cloudy. Hell, since your Force points recover so quickly outside of battle, you'll be able to use your powers in every fight along the way. If the player sides with Jana Lorso rather than Chodo Habat on Telos IV, then Luxa will have Surik collect the owed credits from Opo Chano. If you're a real man (or woman), though, you'll probably want to know if there's a way to survive this level on the normal difficulty setting. Players can now win races after forfeiting a race. That wasn't so bad, now was it? The door to the command deck is now repaired, so no need to go through the airlock again. Note that these feats are definitely not cumulative; the bonuses you gain from the second rank replaces the bonus from the first rank, instead of adding to it, as does the bonus from the third rank. On youll have a quest with Opo once you find the poachers, talk to Dern... 25 credits from him and will help your characters stun or incapacitate their opponents the Caves. 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