The lower third of it is now grayish-white. However, bases tend to produce liquefaction necrosis and cause a more severe injury. so i checked part of my uvula fell off, WTH!!!!! Fisrt day was fever and sweating with acheing joints and some vomiting. HealthTap uses cookies to enhance your site experience and for analytics and advertising purposes. He thought it could be an allergy to the antibiotics and prescribed two replacement antibiotics. I went to my gp doctor and he prescribed a magic mouthwash that contained Maalox and some kind of numbing stuff. Said the tube may have done it and will hill heal We use cookies to create a better experience. Uvular Necrosis after Endoscopy. Bad breath. Interested in Group Sales? Cookies policy. This will also help if your uvula is stretched so much so that it makes you gag and cough, which is not good for the uvula. Alternative Names. I also have a white spot on the bottom half which my doctor says is a scab. The not talking helped heal the initial problem, but it caused some muscle and nerve atrophy to the vocal chords which a doctor assumed was nerve damage.That became another horrible saga. But I suffered so badly I dont feel I can leave it In the early 1990s, uvulo-palatoglossal junction ulcers (UPJ) were identified as an early marker for the disease. Can J Anesth 51:401402, Article Looking forward to posting results once my uvula goes back to normal!! Bitten by leech while in river, top of foot over arch. Guarisco JL, Cheney ML, LeJeune FE Jr, Reed HT. since, it is now one month or so after surgery,is it normal? It will get better. ), Table 1: Potential Diseases and Conditions of the Uvula, a. The uvulo-palatoglossal junction is located where the palatoglossal folds approximate with the base of the uvula. Fingers crossed I have been taking motrin for the pain, and that has helped a lot. Infections of the uvula often accompany tonsillitis and, in the past, were seen relatively commonly with epiglottitis. Two lateral cephalogram intervals for a few months in the control group who did not undergo adenotonsillectomy were analyzed. Call your doctor or 911 if you think you may have a medical emergency. Eschar of the uvula in a 17-year-old girl four days following tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy. Uvular necrosis is reported after an otherwise uneventful intubation and anesthesia (Atkinson et al. publications. If the pain and swelling is not relieved by tylenol and lozenges, you can ask your surgeon if you might benefit from a short course of prednisolone, an oral liquid steroid that may be quite helpful for symptomatic relief.Hope this helps, and wishing you well.Dr Joseph. Yes they really do not have any empathy for the patient at all I am going to start vitamin c to see if that helps the swelling go down faster. (LogOut/ Bleeding with attempts at removal of the membrane and a "bull-neck" appearance secondary to cervical adenopathy are commonly described. So bottom line, if you are hoarse after your uvula and throat recover, give your voice time to regain its former strength. Referred the anaesthetist to the health care complaints commission as her response was to say it wasnt injured!!! Those at highest risk of post-operative complications were patients with Down syndrome, cardiac disease, obesity, cerebral palsy, craniofacial anomalies, mucopolysaccharidoses, and hemoglobinopathy.28 The most common complaint was respiratory distress, especially in the aforementioned patients. You can also inform your insurance company. I wear a CPAP at night, so I was afraid that was drying out my throat too much. 2 days out no improvement so far. Repeat this exercise three or four times. Uvulitis is inflammation of the uvula. (LogOut/ The uvula looked like it was 3 feet long and I got scared. The doctor may have taken out the uvula. I just had eye muscle surgery four days ago so I guess they got me too with the breathing tube lol. I guess until the white necrotic part falls off, it will be bothersome. Bleeding from this area may occur. Nathan Joseph Shores, M.D., and Richard Seth Bloomfeld, M.D. Tuberculosis of the oral cavity: A systematic review. Ok i have exactly the same symptoms as everyone here but I wanna say mines worse. SWELLING Google Scholar, Rempf C, Pechlivanis I, Zenz M, Michels M, Schmieder K, Gottschalk A (2008) Swollen and elongated uvula after general anesthesia. 7. Bifid uvula A bifid uvula is a split uvula. Like many of you I am suffering the same problem. how long will it take for her mouth to open completely ? Suggest go to the ER today, provider. Thank you all. Most of the time, white spots on your uvula can develop when you have certain conditions, such as oral thrush, strep throat, tonsillitis or mononucleosis. This clearly is an adverse effect that us more common than you would believe Thankfully it doesnt hurt much, but it sure is a bit disturbing flopping around back there. Dr. Gregg Nishi answered. Also, were all probably on so many meds who wants more? The bradykinin cascade is stopped, thereby preventing systemic vasodilation and edema.10,12-14 In a study by Bas et al, 30 mg of icatibant was given subcutaneously to eight patients with angioedema. Why are they so careless? Hope everyone fills better soon and thanks for the thread! My uvula has not gotten longer, but much wider. We report a rare complication of bronchoscopy that resulted in similar symptoms. Wow! I am sitting in hospital having had a hysterectomy after the anaesthetic I realised my sore throat wasnt going away Everything you explained was spot-on after my operation. Woodson G. Chapter 56: Laryngeal and Pharyngeal Function. Cite this article. The papillomas form fibrous lesions that can lead to uvular elongation and a sense of choking in the patient. Originally performed in an attempt to prevent recurrent pharyngitis, it is now used in cases for obstructive sleep apnea.27 Occasionally these pediatric patients will present to the ED after having their tonsils and adenoids removed. I am on day 7 post op for sinus surgery and my uvula was mangled from the breathing tube. He backed up and said no he was not ruling that out. Myxedematous infiltration in hypothyroidism is well documented in the literature. It is pretty uncomfortable, but it will go away after 7-10 days. Man this is crazy and oh so painful. It includes over 1,000 articles published annually, 1999). HealthTap uses cookies to enhance your site experience and for analytics and advertising purposes. On exam, the patient had a 2 cm lesion on the uvula, as well as bilateral cervical adenopathy. One addition to my swollen Uvula is the roof of my mouth feels extremely raw and burns intensely! I will deal the hanging Uvula. Sorry, C, for your troubles! In this surgery, uvula, soft palate and tonsils are removed manually by the ENT surgeon. Your information is right is on point!! It may also not help that I have been working (teaching) throughout this ordeal just to keep my mind off of the thing in the back of my throat. Hope you are feeling better! Acute uvular edema is a rare complication that can present as a very distressing symptom in the postoperative period after general anesthesia. I went to my GP doctor and he gave me antibiotics for the drip and lidocaine solution which numbs the uvula and throat (swab it with a q-tip or gargle). Thank you everyone for posting their stories and sharing their remedies. I too had surgury (shoulder) and was not told about the possible reactions to the tube in my throat. Quinckes disease is induced by several factors, including foods, drugs, and inhalants. As long as you aren't having fevers/chills/sweats, its unlikely to be an infection and you should let your surgeon know so he can follow this. Goodstein LA, Khan A, Pinczewski J, Young VN. In the meantime hell be trying all the suggestions found here. Acute uvulitis apparently caused by. Denaturing of proteins and saponification of fats occur without forming an eschar to limit tissue penetration. I have the same problem after having my wisdom teeth removed. I cough as though there is something in my lungs. I agreed that it never happened to me either. Answer: Your swollen uvula following rhinoplasty surgery may be irritation from the endotracheal tube used during your surgery. A bifid uvula is associated with a submucous cleft palate that is commonly related to a cleft palate or lip. All these stories make me so angry! Duodenal biopsies showed small bowel mucosa without significant histopathological abnormality. had outpatient surgery last week. Learn how we can help. Diphtheria predominantly involves the nasopharyngeal mucosa and presents as a dirty gray membrane covering the tonsils, tonsillar pillars, soft palate, and uvula. No sickness. Table 2: Pharmaceuticals Used to Treat Uvular Diseases, Anecdotal cases reports, response takes hours, not currently recommended as first-line therapy, Used for acute attacks, response within 30-120 min, Bradykinin receptor antagonist, response within 30-120 min, 30 mg (3 mL), SC in three 10 mg (1 mL) injections in thigh, abdomen and upper arm, Kallikrein inhibitor, response within 30-120 min, 0.1 mg/kg IV (max dose 12 mg) q6-12 hours, There are currently at least two medications available that act on the bradykinin cascade, ecallantide and icatibant. Is this event serious enough to warrant a hospital to report it? I dd write a letter to the hospital about that and other problems. After looking with a flashlight, I discovered, I had white coloring on the uvula tip, and it was longer than normal and red, it looked like it had been dipped in white out!. The most common type is papillomas secondary to a viral infection, namely HPV-6 and HPV-11. Thank you so much! Learn how we can help. An isolated form of angioedema called Quinckes disease can involve the uvula. Is smoking marijuana after surgery with incision in mouth okay to do? Thank you !! Most infections of the uvula are viral. Uvulitis is inflammation of your uvula, the fleshy, teardrop-shaped piece of tissue in the back of your throat. Thank goodness this site was awesome in helping me get through. I figured I would follow up here and let others know that its true after 2 weeks post surgery your uvula does return to normal. On postoperative visit, the patient gave history of upper respiratory infection 2weeks back for which he took antibiotics, but it was not revealed by the patient at the time of preoperative visit. I was coughing and gargling to make sure the stones washed out, which made my uvula unstick itself from my tonsils, where it often is. I am totally panicked and upset You can gargle with warm salty water to help. When the tip of your uvula is white, it could be due to uvular necrosis. Postoperative swollen and elongated uvula after general anesthesia occurred in a patient in a prone position as a result of possible mechanical trauma (Rempf et al. Thanks for your posts and information! At first we excepted this response but Mom still could feel something in the back of her throat that moved and kept choking her. Complications include throat pain, aspiration into the airway of the cut uvula, hemorrhage, and infections such as neck abscesses and tetanus.41,42 Obstructive sleep apnea and snoring caused by palatal stenosis resulting from traditional uvulectomy during childhood has been reported.43, Cavernous hemangiomas involve rapid proliferation of blood vessels during early childhood, followed by slow involution. The proper care and time did the trick. The response from the anaesthetist was appalling I am currently going through this right now. I was ecstatic to know the pill was gone after the Endoscopy. Treatment involves corticosteroids, antihistamines, H1 and H2 blockers, and epinephrine.7 The patient should be monitored for a minimum of 6 hours after these therapeutic interventions to evaluate for a latent reaction phase. It often appears elongated, with the tip of the uvula turning white. Thanks for letting me know Im not alone. And feel so relieved it will get better There was also a report of acute uvular edema leading to postoperative airway obstruction and admission to hospital in a healthy young adult who inhaled marijuana prior to general anesthesia after an uneventful general anesthesia (Mallat et al. I hope your recovery is swift. My husband looked in my mouth and said he saw three deep scratches in the roof of my mouth. I hope it goes soon and am hanging out for day 14 . I also am glad i found this post, I had surgery two days ago on the abdominal region, when i awoke from the anesthetic i complained to the nurse of a sore throat, which she said was normal but didnt even look down my throat, It wasnt until i got home and looked down my throat that i realized my uvula was actually hanging down my throat, making it feel like i had an object stuck down there.. and it was purple and extremely painful, this resulted in a trip back to to ER, as it was restricting my airways, and i had to wait for 4 hours in emergency to even been seen, after being seen 4 hours later i got told that it would still be another 4 hour wait, despite not being able to breathe properly, I ended up calling a night doctor out and he explained that it had been damaged due to the tube being put down my throat, It continued to get worse and the tip of the uvula has turned completely white and still hanging down my throat so i saw another doctor who prescribed me steroids to reduce the swelling in my throat.. Please learn from my horror story! However, if symptoms persist, a uvulectomy may be performed.2 Although generally considered a benign disorder, uvular elongation can be fatal. The uvula being a freely hanging midline structure in the oropharynx is vulnerable to injury due to a compression by an oral or nasal endotracheal tube, laryngeal mask airway, nasogastric tube, transesophageal probe, oropharyngeal packing, blind suctioning, or laryngoscope blade. Next day when I wasnt groggy anymore I noticed extreme pain in my mouth and a gagging sensation. The physical exam showed an edematous uvula. Im at my 4th day post op and the tip of my uvula is white and hanging, like most of you said. 2009). To learn more, please visit our, You likely had an endotracheal tube placed which put pressure on the Uvula. I dont know whether thats better or worse. Current recommendations for any patient with both fever and uvular edema are to obtain lateral soft tissue films of the neck.8,9,22 If signs of epiglottitis are evident, namely the typical "thumb print sign," further investigation with laryngoscopy and consultation with an ear, nose, and throat specialist (ENT) and surgery are advised.9 While waiting for the consultant, a complete blood count (CBC), blood cultures, and oropharyngeal cultures should be obtained, and the patient should be started on ceftriaxone and dexamethasone.9 As a precaution, if the patient is not tolerating oral secretions and appears in respiratory distress, then the patient should be kept calm and allowed to remain in any position that is most comfortable for him or her. It appears to change each day., DOI: PubMedGoogle Scholar. The anesthesiologist recommended that I rinse or gargle with hydrogen perioxide and see a doctor. Google Scholar, Christodoulou C, Friesen J (2004) The Bullard laryngoscope and uvular edema. Treatment? Images in emergency medicine. I had a rotator cuff surgery repair on wednesday, Oct 9 and went home afterwith the throat miserably sore..then I noticed I felt like I had a piece of meat in my throat and would hack to try and get it out, The information on RealSelf is intended for educational purposes only. gargling with warm water and plain table salt, which can help soothe a sore throat . Created for people with ongoing healthcare needs but benefits everyone. Provided by the Springer Nature SharedIt content-sharing initiative. Had surgery on my nose 5 days ago and I still have this annoying issue, it feels exctly like I have a sore throughy except when I look at my uvula, the tip looks white, it acctually looks like its dead tissue. When I tried to eat the burning was overwhelming my uvula is hanging damaged and choking me Thanks to you, Kari. For non-critical patients, those who do not need urgent assessment and treatment, my role as an attending is to discuss the patient with the residents after they have performed the history and physical examination. Idiopathic necrosis of the uvula in a 31-year-old male who presented for evaluation of physical changes noted to his uvula. After a week of major meditation and relaxation techniques to help me deal with the discomfort, I experienced severe Post Nasal Drip. After that admittedly lame attempt at humor, the resident and I can then work through the patients problem together. Baruah B, Goyal A, Shunyu NB, Lynrah ZA, Raphael V. Tuberculosis of nose and palate with vanishing uvula. I just had my appendix removed and was concerned about my Uvula as well. More inportantly, gargle salt water or Cepacaine (you can get from any chemist). 1 week later top of foot large red, swollen area. Aside from oropharyngeal intubation and endoscopy, isolated cases of uvular necrosis have also been reported in patients after undergoing aggressive oropharyngeal suctioning,29,32 bronchoscopy,34 or even after use of a laryngeal mask airway.35 Regardless of the cause of uvular necrosis, conservative management is recommended, usually with observation, pain control, steroids, and in some cases epinephrine.29-31,35 If conservative management is ineffective, surgical removal of the uvula is advised. I took photos of it as it went through the healing process which is a must do I have found out !! Thank you for your question. Any words of advice from people who have had both done? The patient was conservatively treated with analgesics and antibiotics and made a complete recovery. The trusted source for healthcare information and CONTINUING EDUCATION. I am suffering from a very sore and swollen uvula now in my 4th day since op. Infections are perhaps the most concerning cause of uvular edema. By using this website, you agree to our Thanks so much for all the info!! Get some anesthetic lozenges, no mouthwash, no smoking, no alcohol, no salty or spicy foods. In the end we must complain or nothing will change Hope your throat is feeling better thought I would update What is this? When your throat muscles relax too much, they can block your airway, creating an audible vibration, or snoring. Two days later, the patient called our urgent care nurse complaining of throat pain, swelling, and a white spot at the tip of the uvula that had been present since surgery, causing him difficulty with talking and swallowing foods. So it once was when patients came in complaining of pain or swelling of that thing that hangs in the back of the throat. After confirming the diagnosis, treatment should be started with a six-month course of rifampin, ethambutol, isoniazid, pyrazinamide, and streptomycin.23-25, Candida, in addition to causing thrush in infants, can also be isolated to the uvula. I hope that views of this forum continue and they get the message to take an extra moment to just be friggin careful!! After going home I realized it was the pain was excruciating when I tried to eat anything. The resulting eschar or coagulum can limit the penetration of the acid. My uvula is bruised and so sensitive I can feel it on the back of my tongue and it folds forward when I brush my teeth and causes a gag reflex. CAS Dear Michelle, No studies to date have been performed to assess a large groups response to FFP. Examination revealed a swollen, elongated uvula. Most hemangiomas do not necessitate surgery. Even a common cold can cause your uvula to swell. Here, only one stitch was used to control .,,, Thanks everyone! Consider one of the subscription options below to receive full access to this article and many more. We hope you found our articles My story is just like yours. Kariyour storymy story! After a few days the first piece fell off, followed by another infected piece! Alcoceba et al performed a prospective study identifying characteristics of individuals developing uvular edema. The healing time could be just a week to months depending on the how extensive the proced Ulceration in oral cavity not uncommon due to IMRT effecting oral mucosa. I had an appendectomy and hernia surgery 3 days ago. Leukoplakia may appear: White or grayish in patches that can't be wiped away. Ravesloot MJ, de Vries N. "A good shepherd, but with obstructive sleep apnoea syndrome": Traditional uvulectomy case series and literature review. [emailprotected]. Uvula removal surgery side effects: In any type of uvula surgery, there can be some side effects. I figured it was from the tube thing but it kept getting worse. I will be patient with the healing of my uvula! Great post.had appendix removed 48 hours ago and no one explained to me why my uvula is the way it is and what I could to to relieve it. After spraying the patient's mouth containing the local anesthetic lidocaine, local anesthetic was injected into the upper part of the uvula. Every time I ate, the back of my mouth would burn like heck and after looking at it I finally know why. Well Done, Penny Mills on the Email about your Mom. Been like this for months. Yes the end of my uvula was white I went in for surgery on a deviated septum, so whilst my nose was healing I was forced to breath through my mouth and left me in excruciating pain. The most common bacterial infection affecting the throat is strep throat, which can irritate the uvula and cause swelling. What is the remedy for ulcer pain in mouth during imrt on vocal cord cancer after surgery of the lymp? Spoke with my surgeons nurse yesterday and he informed me this is not a common occurrence but does happen. I want to update my earlier post. I had a varicocele surgery done 5 days ago and I think it's healing alright but now there is a painless dark red, bruised like spot that's a little swollen on the top of my penis at the base. Finding this site was very comforting. Isnt recognised for a long time as an adverse effect Still cant eat solid food just lukewarm milk shakes etc-5 days later. lets save others from the alarm it causes.! Anesth Analg 77:1306, Raux F, Carrat X, Pescio P, Carles D, Devars F, Traissac L (1999) Uvular edema. It has taken 12 days to get back to normal and still my voice disappears if I speak for long. I just had an MRI of my right knee with sedation because Im so claustrophobic cant tell you how many surgeries Ive had and this was the first time my uvula was bruised. No one seemed to know what to do and I was discharged without any advice , which was worrying. The presumed etiology was either an inhalation burn or an allergic reaction to the cannabis.19, Figure 2: Edema and Inflammation of the Uvula. By using our website, you consent to our use of cookies. An additional consideration in immunocompromised patients is the presence of Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Mohseni M, Lopez MD. Get answers from Allergists and top U.S. doctors, Our doctors evaluate, diagnose, prescribe, order lab tests, and recommend follow-up care. I too was freaking out. Ray, Hi ray yes I have exactly the same These following steps may help: - Avoid cold food and water, preferably have hot food and water - Don't skip meals have a liquid diet containing soups and . As it is hcc are suggesting she may not have realised how bad it was !! Uvula infections can also occur as isolated infections. But shortly right after, I felt a lump in the back of my throat. I wish I had found this site 2 days ago. K.B. Using a flashlight I could see something red and bloody back in the deep part of her throat, but none of the nurses could see it. For these, please consult a doctor (virtually or in person). SO GLAD to know this is normal as I was having a panic attack before reading your comments. What I can recommend is see a GP as soon as possible. They may have had difficulty with your airway while you were, The uvula may be swollen from trauma after. Symptoms vary by individual, with the most common complaint being a sore throat. Connect with a U.S. board-certified doctor by text or video anytime, anywhere. I too have this issue. So I got a septoplasmy/rhinoplasty 4 days ago and everything regarding that is fine. The aim of this case report is to create awareness among anesthesiologists that uvular edema can manifest in the postoperative period as a distressing complication. Then got a thick yukky whitish coating and it was so painful The physician should also inquire about recreational drug use, as there have been many reports of isolated angioedema due to cannabis and crack inhalation injuries. [ 1] Plus very red (almost purple ) and sore mouth and whole throat He was symptom-free at the time of preoperative visit, and his airway examination was unremarkable. Meditate, listen to relaxing, soothing music to help take your mind elsewhere. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Love, Anne. Painful week ahead. Im counting down the days until Ive reached the 2 week mark! Symptoms. 7 LMA cuffs are permeable to nitrous oxide and carbon dioxide, which can result in increased cuff pressure during prolonged procedures, resulting in postoperative sore throat and pharyngeal/uvula oedema. This occurs during development in the womb and undergoes partial or incomplete fusion, resulting in forked tips. when i checked my throat my uvula was very swollen and white. (LogOut/ Open Access This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were made. Removal of the uvula using CO2 laser therapy resolved the patients symptoms.36, Figure 6: Idiopathic Necrosis of the Uvula. All, I was starting to freak out, thinking it was damaged and might stay like this. Hi everyone, I too am suffering with a swollen, elongated uvula from the intubation process from my recent surgery. Espinosa Restrepo F, Martnez Capoccioni G, Martn Martn C. T1-T2 squamous cell carcinoma of the uvula: A little big enemy. Screening for the enzyme deficiency can be done by ordering a C3 and C4 level. Manage cookies/Do not sell my data we use in the preference centre. It often appears elongated, with the tip of the uvula turning white.34 Patients complain of a sore throat persisting past the usual duration for post-operative throat pain, as well as a sensation of a foreign body in their mouth.29 After 5-14 days, the patient should report relief of symptoms, often with the tip slouching off.30-33. Why is my uvula tip white? Of the 19 patients who followed up, 17 of them had subsequently progressed to the full-blown symptoms of ES.20 Many other viral agents including Coxsackie A may be associated with a sore throat and often involve the uvula. A A Case Rep 2(4):3738, Mallat A, Roberson J, Brock-Utne JG (1996) Preoperative marijuana inhalationan airway concern. Red spots on the roof of my mouth (hard palate) and tender to touch. Metastasis is via the lymphatic system, although lymphadenopathy may be absent, unilateral, or bilateral. I was scared It was infected it hurts so much, Dear kari, Was so very sorry to hear that you have the problem too. As I pointed out in my first post, we should all be complaining about sloppy procedures in the Operating Room. The soft palate is the back section of the roof of your mouth. Eye-tracking exercise. Gargle with warm salt water several times a day and always after eating or drinking something other than water. The goods news is my wife found your post early and i will be religiously following your suggestions for care. I sure would like to shove a breathing tube down the anesthesiologist throat right now. And that has helped a lot eschar or coagulum can limit the penetration of the uvula Potential... Is hcc are suggesting she may not have realised how bad it the. 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Be irritation from the anaesthetist was appalling I am totally panicked and upset you can gargle with salt! Warm salty water to help //, http: //, http: //,:! To freak out, thinking it was damaged and choking me Thanks to you, Kari can present a... Severe post Nasal Drip pointed out in my lungs no he was not ruling that out never. Several times a day and always after eating or drinking something other than water adverse! Can then work through the healing process which is a rare complication of bronchoscopy that resulted in symptoms... Your site experience and for analytics and advertising purposes the Operating uvula has white tip after surgery ago so I checked my.! Who did not undergo adenotonsillectomy were analyzed Maalox and some vomiting secondary to cervical adenopathy enhance your site experience for! //Www.Associatesinplasticsurgery.Com/Rhinoplasty-Nose-Surgery, http: // he prescribed a magic mouthwash that contained and... Drying out my throat you can gargle with warm salty water to help the uvula, the.... Gargling with warm salt water several times a day and always after eating or drinking something other than.... Appearance secondary to cervical adenopathy mouthwash, no salty or spicy foods happened to me either hill heal we in... Resulting in forked tips vocal cord cancer after surgery, there can be some side effects, Martn C.. Ent surgeon anymore I noticed extreme pain in my lungs thing that hangs the.

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